Tiny Instruments


We support people to feel free in themselves and to use that freedom to become agents who champion liberty for all.

The Type of Freedom We Focus On

Freedom means different things to different people, and its meaning changes with context. The type of freedom that our work revolves around is the kind that allows one to have a say in their destiny without being constrained by their past. Simply put, we support people to feel free to rechart their life trajectories. Our work also takes that freedom one step further: it recognises that because we are social creatures with entwined lives, personal liberty, when applied intelligently, can encourage a more equitable society.

Freedom Demands Accountability

For individual freedom to catalyse the emergence of a fair society, our behaviour must not in any way be the cause of others’ unfreedom. We must, instead, be accountable for the actions that stem from our self-determination by ensuring the effect caused by those actions does not limit the opportunity for others to live free lives. We need to be responsible for our freedom. Failing to do so would hardly be flattering to any proponent of liberty.

Freedom Compels Tolerance

In addition to accountability, there is another factor crucial for personal freedom to be able to hearten a fair society: tolerance. Without tolerance, different values among people, shaped by their cultural and traditional heritage and their respective perspectives of history and geography, can lead to conflict. Thus, if an equitable society is to be encouraged through our freedom, we need to be able to consider, with an open mind, the standpoints of others.

Tolerance, in Practice, is Reflection

Tolerance, in practice, is the capacity to reflect adequately on any clash of expressed values. It is when a person only acts after taking steps to understand a conflict without being overwhelmed by associated emotions. But because our emotional state is integrally dependent on our body’s conditioning of our senses and our brain’s narrative, both moored in our life experiences and DNA, we tend to reflect with bias. Being aware of our emotional predispositions is as crucial as reflection itself.

Our Work

Cultivating the ability to reflect through an awareness of one’s emotional inclinations is the heart of our work. We go about our work through 1 to 1 sessions and two recurring events. All are consistent and congruent with the thoughts and principles described in The Book. Thus, should you wish to get a deeper feel for our work, reading the book is recommended. Or get in contact with us.

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